You are Invited to the Capstone Showcase
From the BC Class of 2013
Mark your Calenders for Saturday, December 1st. to be part of the Annual Showcase where Broadcast Communication Majors present their student project - a short documentary film.
In particular, plan on coming from 1:00pm to 3:30pm to view the 3 film cluster that includes my own film:
"Wounded Warriors, Healing Hounds"
A film that explores veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder using psychiatric Service dogs to reclaim their lives and freedom.
Also included during that time slot is a Connor Kobis film:
"Fourth and a Miracle"
The amazing story of a former Westminster coach recovering from a tragic accident with the love and support of his wife.
And also in the line- up is Ashley Durham as she goes:
"Over the Rainbow"
A personal and revealing experience with the Gay Pride Parade in Pittsburgh during the summer of 2012.